Aichi Triennale


contact Gonzo
Photo : Iori Takeda
  • Performing Arts
contact Gonzo
contact Gonzo is the method that dancers, Masaru Kakio and Yuya Tsukahara, developed and named in 2006. It is the methodology trying to explain "system of the world" for themselves through various momentary happening caused by physical phenomena, one-on-one touch. Seemingly, their unique performing scenes give impression of just fighting, they often provide sophisticated and elegant movement like dancing. The scenes instantaneously uploaded on such media like You-Tube to introduce. This unit performs mainly based in Osaka presently.

『non titled』
2010/09/18 16:00
2010/09/19 17:00
2010/09/20 15:45

『non titled』
Place of performance / presentation

Aichi Arts Center
(Loading dock B)


2010.09.18 - 2010.09.20
